Encountering Famous East-West Bridge Persons across the U.S. to Japan | Ep_16

 Moving ahead to understand Japan and the world of today, Steve McCarty is taking us into his own life and learning. His passion to explore the culture of Japan has been exceptional and he has always demonstrated the highest regard for the cultural richness of Japan.

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Similar Proverbs in Chinese, Japanese and English | Ep_12

The world might not look small when we consider the geographical boundaries and political ownerships. However, there has been a peculiar similarity in terms of cultural and linguistic connections. The folk tales, proverbs and even cuisine and clothes have been mutually impacted by each other.

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Japanacasting Podcast reaches the 8th Milestone with this extensive and amazing interview of Prof Steve McCarty. The talk relates to modern times. He is so subtle in his answers that you cannot stop wondering about the precision of these ideas. When he says that being modern is not being Western - he erases a huge amount of doubts from our minds. He explains how Japan has become an ideal land with flawless discipline and healthy life.

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Hello Dear Listeners! Welcome to Japancasting Podcast. I am Parveen Sharma from India, hosting the podcast with Prof Steve McCarty. Today we are here to interview Prof Steve again and get his insightful, thought-provoking, and experienced observations on various questions.

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Japancasting Podcast enters into the 11 Episode journey with Prof McCarty making us know and understand the Japanese Culture and History in a straightforward manner. His explanations and energy have been identical to the same zeal for learning found everywhere in the world. We easily identify with him and his efforts.

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Religions, Women and Family in Japan

This is a 28-minute question and answers session after a regular presentation on "Japanese People and Society" for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). Participants on government scholarships for graduate school just arrived from India, Vietnam, and Guatemala. They had questions about religion, the role of women, male-female relationships, and families in Japan.

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Students of Professor Steve McCarty won the annual Osaka Jogakuin University Presentation Contest with this 3-minute discussion. Bullying occasionally happens in a group-oriented society as an outlet for frustrations, but the students never excuse it. They give examples of YouTube, sumo wrestling, and mobile phone harassment. They examine the causes of bullying in Japan and propose solutions.

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Stakes and Stakeholders in the Japanese Educational System

This is a 26-minute presentation on Japanese education given to American schoolteachers visiting Osaka Jogakuin College. It is a critical view, and the situation has become more relaxed overall since the time of this presentation, which was delivered in 2005, but the fairly complete picture of factors affecting education in Japan is still a relevant set of issues.

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Falling through the cracks of UNESCO World Heritage Sites

This 11-minute podcast discusses the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Sites. Comparing Japan with Central Asia, it can be seen how Japan’s cultural treasures are very well preserved, but some sites in poor countries [for example, in Varanasi, India] that should be World Heritage Sites do not get enough community or outside support.

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South Korea and Japan Peace Dialogue | Japancasting Podcast | Ep13

Osaka Jogakuin College first-year students perform a 4-minute dramatic role play they created for the Annual Peace Dialogue Contest. They speak a little Japanese and Korean as well as English and show lively Osaka personalities. They try to overcome historical conflicts between Japan and South Korea that are still problems today.

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A Family goes through Japanese Education

This episode is a 13-minute speech, both objective and personal, to American school observers visiting Osaka Jogakuin University. It starts with assumptions underlying democracy that differ from the U.S., resulting in some surprising manifestations in education. Philosophies of multiculturalism vs. assimilation are discussed.

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Pilgrimage and the Study of Religion - Shikoku and Japan

Japancasting Podcast is an attempt to unearth the intricacies of Japanese Culture. This, however, does not mean that there are complexities in the culture and history of Japan. But, we still see that there is a lot of depth in it, which can be a thing to feel amazed at. With Prof Steve McCarty, we are bringing episode 05 of the Podcast and invite you to visit the shared links as well.

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