Moodle on Gnomio

Moodle, the teacher's LMS has been the leading solution to the requirements of an LCMS - Learning & Content Management System. Hosting is a crucial part of having a Moodle Site. We have been using and 's Free Hosting Services as purchasing and installation of Moodle software on our own servers is not a thing, we all can do and spend for. Still, free hosting by them had some limitations.

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Helen Keller said that the most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but no vision. Our visions prompt us to see the beauty and uniqueness of things around. We also want to make things that move swiftly through the eyes of the viewers to their heart and make an appreciated mark on their intellects.

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PEXELS dot com has been a companion providing quality graphics for the blogs on EklavyaParv. This website has been aggregating a stock of fine quality images that do relate to the intent of the writer and add an extra charm to the posts. While I write this post to acknowledge the PEXELS, I wish that you do visit their website.

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HP EdcastCloud MOOCs

Doing a MOOC or an Online Course is like booking a cab or ordering food online. There are an unprecedented expansion and ease. But the same way we see the limitations and see there are haves and have-nots in this COVID-stricken damaged world, we need to know that many of us do not know good enough about MOOCs as well. Apart from the update to you that even you can host and launch an Online Course, let us share a good platform of free MOOCs- HP EdcastCloud.

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Online Classes can be a saviour for us at this stage of national lockdown. It won't be wrong to say that the whole world is temporarily closed. It is not a closure which was ever predicted or even planned. There is no other option available. There is no other remedy or medicine at hand other than making people stay inside their homes. 

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John Dewey had something in his vision when he gave us the experiential learning philosophy of "Learning by doing". The veteran American philosopher predicted the 21st century's core thrust area when he advocated that education should be 'actual' and should 'happen' not just forced upon in the memory.

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Moodle’s mission is to empower educators to improve our world and one of the professions most impacted by the pandemic is that of the educator. Hence says Moodle and the statement stands valid when we see the comprehensive support system they have offered to educators around the world. They proudly declare that Moodle is made for the teachers. The moment we give something to teachers, it goes to the whole universe through the learners assigned to them.

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'Participation' is the first key and 'Practice' is the second to make learning happen in the classroom. When a teacher teaches and students become a part of the process, there is nothing that can stop the realisation of learning. There is always a long-term goal in the mind of a teacher and a short-term objective for a student. They need to enable the kids to successfully hunt a good career and life; student desire to acquire reasonably impressive skill-sets to make this a reality. 

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The age of bots and robots is here. When we see Sophia getting the citizenship of a country (Forbes, 2017), EdTech and EduSoMedia cannot be kept much far from the classroom. With Artificial Intelligence (AI) being able to predict deaths in advance, with Design Thinking bringing a new approach to problem-solving in the world,

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This blog has been revised to share that Edmodo is no more available. We can see the history and also submit a good amount of appreciation to the makers who made us know a wonderful LMS. Edmodo gave me great support while I worked on EduSoMedia Initiatives at MMU Mullana. 

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The MOOCs Magic

Learning based on Technology isn't a new thing. Learning sans technology might come as a new thing and will surely fail us. Since the ages when we came out of caves, the reasons were not based on some divine intervention or some magic wand. We had actually moved from being naive to natives of the earth by starting INVENTING.

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