Creating Podcasts Using Hubhopper

Podcasts are the talk of the world now. Everyone is turning to Audio streaming these days. The development of Audio as a leading medium of infotainment has brought a big change in the world of EdTech as well. We can see the current generation making use of Podcasts for their entertainment as well as awareness. As we know Education invites an integration of all leading technologies and tools, Podcasts cannot stay away.

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The good news is always a good thing to share. Hubhopper has joined the prime league of platforms like Anchor, where we can Create, Edit and Distribute our podcasts all for free. The new addition is the Hubhopper Studio App for Smartphones. We always want podcast creation to be an easy and accessible endeavour for all our creators.

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The technology works best when we use it to collaborate and derive better learning from a platform created for good use. Beyond the JamBoard or Padlet, we have found a cool place to 'JAM' with our ideas and them bring them in a document to see the responses as well as the rewards. Ideaboardz is what we are introducing to you.

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Anchor is a leading platform to create and distribute your podcasts. This super easy and sensibly optimised bundle of tools has brought a new feature for the user in India and many other countries. Now, we can make podcasts with the songs from Spotify. You can be the host and can add music from Spotify and rock the world! ANCHOR IS NOW SPOTIFY FOR PODCASTERS!

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Google ArtsAndCulture App and Website for Learning

Google is integral to our internet-based life. The web of websites and the stock of application made by Google is huge. We have found this resource for you and we hope this will make your learning meaningful. The primary utility is the enhancement of learning about Arts, Culture and History. Virtual Tours, Augmented Reality and games shall add to the pleasure of learning.

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AutoCrat Google Sheets

UniSkills Smart Ideas series on YouTube is an attempt to bring some handy tips and solutions for Teachers. There are some simple tasks and there are tasks that look like devils because the time taken is terrible. However, Technology is very much there to assist all of us.

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Kids deserve knowledge. They also have the right to have a safe place to access this knowledge. While we see the regular search engines becoming the marketplaces, Kiddle brings hope. This impressive and comprehensive search engine for kids is an interesting find. We invite you to explore the benefits and immediately introduce children to learning with kiddle.

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GCompris Software and App with Learning Activities for Kids

Learning has to a pleasant activity. When the learners feel happy about the process, actual learning becomes part of life only in those moments. If a teacher or even a parent fails to engage the kids in the learning activities, there is a sure-shot failure of the purpose. Gamification is a trend in the 21st century but GCompris has been there for more than 02 decades, doing this fantastic service to children.

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Everyone is on the Internet now, not just the schools and universities. Teachers, however, need to bring in organised teaching-learning. This is possible when the institutions look for a reliable Learning Management System. Moodle – which is the most used LMS in the world – gives all that we need in an LMS and that too, FREE of COST!

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Epic! GetEpic for Kids' Learning

Children love learning. The key to making them engage in the process of learning is to give them what they love: Pleasure and Fun in the process of learning. This is a platform to make all this happen. the goodness is that it is free for the educators and there are millions of them who are making the best of it. You can also make your kids learn the epic way!
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Popular Platforms for MOOCs - Online Certifications

Online Courses - MOOCs are the best windows to the world of Skills, Exposure and Awareness. These small-customised and most of the time accessible to all courses can really bring a good amount of learning to all, indeed to ALL. If you still do not know about MOOCs or have not done even a single MOOCs, there seems to be a gap between you and the world of learning, let's bridge it now.

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Screen Recording

Screen Recording is not a new need anymore. There are teachers and administrators who want to bring the best online learning experience to students. The most important thing in e-learning or online teaching is CONTENT - Visual Content. How to make it in a Smart and Easy Manner is the question.

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