Talk about Positive Outlook, Ego, Stress Management and Mental Health, My Current workplace, Plans and Challenges, the goodness of Uzbekistan and India... and a lot more! Thank You, Dear Uzbekistan, for allowing me to be there and serve you with teaching and learning.
Happy Independence Day INDIA
Miracle by Kartar Singh Duggal
Miracle by Kartar Singh Duggal is a short story about unimpeachable faith of mankind. By contrasting the miracle of the Guru's Palm with the incidents of the 1920s, Duggal is able to question the power of faith to accomplish everything. An otherwise innocent tale suddenly lights up with the intrusion of reality.
Master Class on Public Speaking in English
Public Speaking is a dream for millions of people who aspire to be acknowledged by people around them. The fears, reluctances and challenges are common to all of us. Be it an experienced speaker or someone who is going to start this 'practice', concerns are similar.
Kedarnath Singh's Poem - Nadiyaan as a Podcast
हिन्दी साहित्य में केदारनाथ सिंह को पढ़ना, सुनना और समझना आपको अलग ही संसार में ले जाता है। उनकी एक कविता प्रस्तुत है। एक पॉडकास्ट के रूप में आप इसे सुन सकते हैं। शीर्षक है - नदियाँ। वाणी प्रकाशन के संकलन - पचास कविताएँ - नयी सदी के लिए चयन से ली गयी ये कविता काफी-कुछ बोलती है, कहती है और समझाती है। आइये सुनते हैं TeacherParv पॉडकास्ट में!
Two Red Roosters by Manohar Malgonkar
This is a podcast from the LearningRadio Team. The blessings of mechanized farming as opposed to the uncertainties of traditional methods of ploughing the land is the theme of 'Two red Roosters'. In the process, the superstitious beliefs and practices of our villagers stand exposed.
Master Class on Making a Resume
A resume or CV is the first call for a job we send to the employer. All other interactions after the acceptance of the resume are just about defending what we stated in the document. Here is a master class on making a Sensible and Smart Resume.
Dusk by Saki
The Nose Jewel by C. Rajagopalachari
The Nose Jewel is a fable translated from the Tamil. The prescription, urging wives to implicitly obey their husbands to avoid the risk of disharmony, is not likely to be endorsed by the present day feminists.
Career Communication with LinkedIn
LinkedIn can boast of becoming the leading professional networking platform with more than a billion users around the world. It has become equally useful to developed as well as developing countries.
The Babus of Nayanjore by Tagore
The Gurudev we know as Rabindranath Tagore has written some of the timeless masterpieces for us to read. It is magical that we read the stories for something in the beginning and by the time the story concludes, we have experienced an immense amount of emotional turmoil that seems to do the catharsis of our heart.
EduSoMedia Presentations: The Pioneers in the World
EduSoMedia (Education through Social Media) started in 2010-2011 with the assignment of Making a Blog for the Submission of Class Assignments. This simple exercise turned out to be a window to immense possibilities. We moved ahead to Class Blogs. Then came the Digital Presentations Communication Skills
TV Interview on 'Good Morning Uzbekistan' at FLTV Uzbekistan
The ideas we share sometimes become an ambassador to us to get us another chance to reach somewhere. For me, the first TV interview went in a positive direction and one of the Hosts of that episode, Sarvinoza, invited me to another show 'Good Morning Uzbekistan' on 27 October.
A Cup of Tea by Katherine Mansfield
'A Cup of Tea' is a modernist style short story written by Katherine Mansfield in 1922. Rosemary, the protagonist, is caught up in a fantasy of helping others, but it doesn't go as planned. This post takes you to a Podcast and further reading about the story.
Letter Writing Format Podcast
Official Communication is done through Inter and Intra-Office Communication Tools. Notice, Circular and Memo are the Intra-Office (Within the organisation) tools. Letters come in the Inter-Office Communication category. Block Format of Letter Writing is used these days for Official Communication.
Interview on the Foreign Languages TV Uzbekistan
A Friend in Need by W Somerset Maugham
A Friend in Need, a short story by Somerset Maugham. This is a cool and unemotional study of an unscrupulous man. As it often happens in Maugham's stories, the story takes an ironic turn and the true character of the man is revealed.
Spoken English and Broken English - Podcast
George Bernard Shaw speaks English in English! He underlines what he means by English Speaking. The insights that he gives are deep and one can really understand the English Language's nature by it. It is at the same time light-hearted and fluent.