Train Your Team and Win

The greatest investment you can make is in people. The people who work for you and with you are the actual drivers of progress than the profit margins you keep on counting. A Businessman has options to invest in people or papers. One who trusts in the sustainability of skills goes for the people and the progress on papers also follows.

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Bhagat Singh, the legend who re-defined Patriotism and Love for the Motherland in his own terms is as much unknown as he is popular among masses. What we know of him, seems to be the tip of the iceberg. I read a few pages of his works and felt that I really need to know him more.

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Diary of a Teacher who Teaches English

Language is for sure a conspiracy between two people. It is also a medium that evolves with the people and their participation. It gets life when we want to share experiences through language. The lack of experiences or the urge not to speak and share leads to the existence of weak Language Skills in English.

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I shall not suggest a way out to 'prepare well for exams' because the only way out is 'To Prepare'. The more time you spend in subject preparation, the more you read and comprehend is what makes you write well in the examination. I shall suggest something that can help in writing well. Exam fever is not a result of the absence of preparation for the exam.

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Reciprocity is one of my favourite words that I always wish to write or speak about. To return the goodness shall definitely be something natural to a human. But, there have been things that show us the otherwise side of life. People around get to believe an age-old failed premise that one can grow by crushing the skulls of others.

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Language cannot be taught; language is learnt! This is the realisation that is dominating the sessions these days. I am raising this disclaimer high when it comes to teaching English to the graduates. They have a need and a huge amount of expectations that we are to fulfil.

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For some reason known to the intellect, I trust the students I teach or I have taught. There is a guarantee that I shall continue to maintain trust in them. This species, called students, has been classified into many different labels.

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